Welcome to the Kanata Learning Centre
We offer a full range of education services in French, high school math (French and English), sciences (French and English) and English, as well as our usual range of learning skills/ reading / writing / fine motor services. Along with our added availability in French and high school level courses, as always, study skills, exam prep and organization will be worked on alongside the academics.
We offer education services Mondays through Friday from 4-8 pm as well as all day Saturday.
All of our full services are available as in person sessions, or remote sessions.
Our services and programs are all supervised by Dr. Rebecca Moore, Director of the Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre. Not only does this mean your child’s progress and program is monitored by our psychologist, it also means that all of our services are claimable under most benefit plans.
While we are currently embracing social distancing, our educators are equipped to provide our individualized education services through video.
In addition, our award winning Read LS program is available for home use.
Please contact us to set up or continue your services by e-mailing us at barnes@kanatalearningcentre.com